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Wood fibre insulation

Insulating with wood wool is an ecological way of insulating. The material comes from sustainably managed forests and it is completely recyclable according to the ‘cradle to cradle’ principle. Wood wool has a high heat storage capacity, it is vapour permeable and it has good sound insulating properties as well.

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What is wood wool?

Wood wool insulation boards are made of Northern European spruce wood. The thin wood fibres are mixed with a natural binding agent and other additives (such as a water-repellant substance). Afterwards, one compresses the wood pulp into a wood wool board, which dehydrates in an oven. The production process varies according to the type of wood fibre board, the thickness and the desired demands that are imposed on the material.




Types of wood fibre boards suitable for insulation

We can distinguish between two types of wood fibre boards: stable wood fibre boards and flexible wood fibre boards. The stable wood wool boards can especially be used as a roof underlay or as a finishing and insulation material for floors, walls and flat roofs. It is easy to cut the flexible wood fibre boards to size and to apply them between the rafters of a roof (or another beam structure).


Wood wool: sustainable production process

When producing wood wool, one uses as much eco-friendly resources and natural binding agents as possible. Many factories use green energy that originates from biomass. The purchased wood is PEFC-labelled, which means that the forests are sustainably managed. Only in a few number of cases, manufacturers use ammonium phosphate in the production of wood fibre boards. Ammonium phosphate adds fire- and mould-resistant properties to the material.As for the flexible boards, sometimes polyolefins (polymer plastic) are added in order to obtain a flexible material. If you are interested, you can always check the list with additives on the website of the manufacturer. However, most of the products are entirely made with natural resources (Pavaflex for example).


wood wool


Advantages of wood wool

  • Great moisture-regulating capacity, vapour-permeable
  • Sustainable insulation material, cradle to cradle
  • Easy to assimilate (can be applied between the rafters)
  • Good insulation value (0.038-0.045 W/mK)
  • High heat storage capacity (not that warm inside in summer)
  • Sound insulating qualities



Price of wood fibre insulation boards

Flexible wood wool insulation boards, which are frequently used, cost about £16.5 to £20 per square metre.

Do you want to insulate your home with wood wool? On our quotation page, you can request free and non-binding quotes from professional installers in your region!
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